Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Research Paper on Hitler and Stalin

Research Paper on Hitler and Stalin Though Stalinist Russia and Hitlerian Germany had different rhetoric, they were both totalitarian dictatorships that sought to attain total power for both leaders. Both evidenced a singleness of goal combined with complete tactical flexibility and shared a passion to dominate all around them. Appeal to the lowest classes ensured that the masses supported their rule, as both realised that one of the central ideas to attaining power was through the lower classes. Both used government to control and exercise power; Hitler, by legalising his actions, and Stalin, by using force. Propaganda and secret police ensured that, if indoctrination failed, then terror would reign supreme, instilling fear into the people and ensuring their control. Part of elevating themselves to total power was their appeal to the lower classes. Because lower and middle classes made up the majority of Germany, and basically all of Russia, they reached the highest positions by appealing to the lowest classes. Like Stalin, Hitler treated policies and tactics as matters, not of principle, but of expediency, the object of which was to gain support and win power. For example, the lower classes that had been absorbed into the Nazi party were seduced by the promise of the closing down of the big department stores and consumer co-operatives. This was an attractive promise to the lower class because they were the smaller competition to these big businesses and they would benefit economically by their elimination as rivals. However, Hitler had no intention of doing this, but used its promise to gain support from the lower classes. Stalin wooed the lower classes of Russia to gain power. He broadened the base of the Communist Party by insisting it had to recruit 50 000 more workers. This helped public perception that the party embraced the proletariat. Stalin saw the support of the proletariat necessary because of the size of Russias peasant population, which was around eighty percent of the whole population. Since the peasants lived in abject poverty, Stalin believed he could win them through promising economic and social reform through collectivisation. Collectivisation was the conversion of the individual farms and strips of land owned by the peasants into large collective farms. Collectivisation was attractive to the peasants because it promised to end the centuries old backwardness of Russia and turn it into a modern, industrialised society. By appealing to the lower classes, each man attained support of their totalitarian dictatorships, which thus allowed them to elevate their power. Both emphasised leadership as a means of national unification to establish their total control. Stalin created an ideology based on a perversion of communism. He preached Socialism in One Country, which meant that everybody had to work to ensure the victory of communism in Russia. The building of such ideology, he preached, would enforce unity in Russia. But communism is about class conflict, and unifying people to one goal turned communism into nationalism, so this was Stalins way of obtaining power, perverting communism so that the people turned to him, unified. Stalin took power by emphasising leadership to ensure the victory of the already established communist state. He saw his mission as ending the centuries old backwardness of Russia and turning a peasant society into a modern industrialised one.Hitlerian Germany was based on the Fuhrerprinzip, visualizing the concentration of power in the hands of a leader, unlimited by any kind of constitutional or parliamentary control, with authority to direct the state. Nazi ideology was Hitlers ideology, and he manipulated and indoctrinated his followers to achieve his aims and beliefs. This is shown in Nazi rhetoric: One nation, one people, one leader! Both emphasised their leadership as a mean of national amalgamation to ensure their total power. Both Hitler and Stalin used their ideology to eliminate their rivals. Stalin was preoccupied with building an instrument in the party organization which would enforce unity, and defeat the opposition to this of other groups in the party. Stalins desire to justify the doctrine of socialism in one country, which he insisted had been formulated by Lenin, was discredited by Trotsky and Zinoviev. So he relied on a packed congress to vote them down, and, one after another, his critics were silenced, which allowed him to continue his totalitarian rule. The clash of ideas between these leaders was imperative because Trotsky and Zinoviev believed in the idea of World Communism, based on the writings of Marx, when Communism would embrace the world and become the way of life. Stalins Socialism in One Country, which he argued was established by Lenin, contradicted the ideas of Trotsky and Zinoviev, who had conclusive evidence that Lenin did not establish the idea of Socialism in One Country. Thi s threat to Stalins ideology was eliminated because he could not maintain his philosophy if there was opposition to it, and he could not establish his tyrannical rule with opposition, so he got rid of it! Hitler gained total control of the state, as well, but he did by controlling the political processes. The Enabling Act gave him the power to make or change existing laws, including the right to alter the constitution and the right to draft laws. This allowed him to pass laws forbidding any political party, apart from the National Socialists. This also gave him the power to eliminate threat inside the party. This led to the Night of The Long Knives, in which he eliminated Roehm ,who as leader of the SA, held tremendous power and loyalty. Roehms desire to join the army with the SA had the potential to turn him into the most powerful man in Germany, and thus threatened to destroy Hitler and his grip on the Nazi party. Hitler had made it clear that he was the supreme ruler of Germany who had the right to be judge and jury. Through ideological purges, both men were able to maintain their totalitarian rule. Both leaders manipulated propaganda to create personality cults that ensured the maintenance of their power. Stalins cult of the personality was vital to public support, and, as early as December 1929, the party and media consciously began to build Stalin as a hero, portraying him as father of the nation, who saved the Soviet Union from its enemies and an expert in science and culture. Because Russians were so uneducated, it was easier for Stalins image to be boosted to be seen as a saviour. The cult of personality led Russians to believe Stalin was close to deification, adopting a role that of was the plain man, who spoke the same practical language as the proletariat. Hitler, however, saw education as being the prime means of developing his personality cult so he could almost permanently control Germany. He believed that young people were less likely to be contaminated by factual knowledge than their elders, and were generally more susceptible to appeals to idealism and emotions. The entire work of education was to find culmination in branding forever, through instinct of reason, loyalty to the Fuhrer. The appointment of Goebbels as propaganda chief saw the Hitler myth become the greatest propaganda achievement, as Goebbels presented Hitler as the embodiment of national unity standing above all sectional interests; the architect of GermanyÐ ¢s recovery; personally incorruptible; and a fanatical defender of German honour. This meant that the German people supported his tyrannical rule, similarly to the Russians, and each were able to maintain control through their own personality cult. By using the secret police such as the SS, Gestapo, Cheka and NKVD, Stalin and Hitler were each able to ensconce their dictatorships and ensure total power. Tremendous increase in support for Hitler was partly a result of violence. He saw the state as an instrument of power in which the qualities to be valued were discipline, unity and sacrifice. Violence would be used to achieve this. By July 5, 1933, a new law decreed The National Socialist German Workers Party constitutes the only political party in Germany. By controlling the police, the Nazis legalised violence and terror to legitimise Hitlers elevation to power. Without the terrorist police support, Hitler would have been unable to exercise sustained and unopposed control. Likewise, the Cheka and NKVD, along with the secret of concentration camps, allowed the repressive system of Stalin to reign supreme. This propaganda was backed by police terror, enabling Stalin to indoctrinate Russians, and any opposition was classed as an enemy of the Soviet. In 1929, when Stalin launched Russia into complete revolution, he already totally controlled the police apparatus. Collectivisation saw the disappearance of individual farming accompanied by extraordinary displacement of people, due to deportation and regrouping. During collectivisation, arbitrary arrest and execution without trial by the Cheka became commonplace, and, since the Cheka was a government controlled police force, arrests and executions were state-sponsored terrorism. Both pushed terror way beyond its limit, realising control over the media and effective propaganda was often not enough to establish and secure total power; coercion and violence, or at least threat of them, were necessary weapons. Though Stalinist Russia and Hitlerian Germany had different rhetoric, they were both totalitarian dictatorships that sought to attain total power for both leaders. Attracting the poorer classes, made certain that they had mass support, because both realised that the key to power was through the proletariat or working classes. Both used ideology and government to eliminate their rivals and exercise power. Propaganda and secret police ensured that, if indoctrination failed, then fear would control the people and ensure their dictatorial power. Given this, both Hitler and Stalin were different sides of the same totalitarian coin. You can also order a custom essay, term paper, thesis, dissertation or research paper on Hitler and Stalin from our professional custom writing service which provides high-quality custom written papers. Here is a list of the most popular research paper topics on Hitler and Stalin:   The Rise of Germany to a Fascist State: The Role of Hitler’s Personality and Oratory   Adolf Hitlers Rise to Power   Hitlers racial policies   Hitlers Consolidation of Power   How did Hitler turn Germany from a democracy into a dictatorship between 1933 and 1934? How far did he have full control by 1934?   Why did Hitler become Chancellor in 1933?   Assess Hitlers use of fear and terror in Nazi Germany   Comparison of propaganda usage between Hitler and Napoleon   Hitlers Mein Kampf   Hitlers Search for Religous Artifacts During WWII   Adolf Hitler: the Modern Machiavelli   Hitlers foreign policy   How did the Great Depression in Germany Lead to the Rise of Hitler?   Hitlers Right to Punishment   Was Hitler Gay?   Joseph Stalins Positive Influence on the USSR   How Convincing Is The View that Stalin Simply Took Lenin’s Policies To Their Logical Extent?   The Industralisation of the U.S.S.R under Stalin   Why was Stalin able to secure his hold on power in the Soviet Union in the years 1928 1941?   Stalin vs. Mussolini

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Biology Lab Safety Guidelines

Biology Lab Safety Guidelines Biology lab safety rules are guidelines designed to help keep you safe while you are experimenting. Some equipment and chemicals in a biology laboratory can cause serious harm. It is always wise to follow all lab safety rules. Dont forget, the most helpful safety rule is to use plain old common sense. The following biology lab safety rules are a sample of the most basic rules that should be followed when in a biology lab. Most labs have the safety rules posted in a visible place and your instructor will most likely go over them with you before you begin working. 1. Be Prepared Before you enter a biology lab, you should be prepared for and knowledgeable about any lab exercises that are to be performed. That means you should read your lab manual to know exactly what you will be doing. Review your biology notes and relevant sections in your biology textbook before your lab begins. Make sure you understand all procedures and purposes, as this will help you understand the lab activities you will perform. It will also help you get your thoughts organized for when you have to write your lab report. 2. Be Neat When working in a biology lab, make sure you keep your area neat and organized. If you happen to spill something, ask for assistance when cleaning it up. Also, remember to clean your work area and wash your hands when you are finished. 3. Be Careful An important biology lab safety rule is to be careful. You may be working with glass or sharp objects, so you dont want to handle them carelessly. 4. Wear Proper Clothing Accidents do happen in a biology lab. Some chemicals have the potential to damage clothing. With that in mind, you want to make sure that the clothing you wear is something you could do without if it becomes damaged. As a precaution, wearing an apron or lab coat is a good idea. You will also want to wear proper shoes that can protect your feet in case something gets broken. Sandals or any type of open-toed shoes are not recommended. 5. Be Cautious With Chemicals The best way to remain safe when dealing with chemicals is to assume that any chemical you handle is dangerous. Be sure you understand what type of chemicals you are using and how they should be properly handled.If any chemical comes in contact with your skin, wash immediately with water and inform your lab instructor. Wear protective eyewear when handling chemicals, which brings us to the next rule. 6. Wear Safety Goggles Safety goggles may not be the most fashion-forward accessory and can fit awkwardly on your face, but they should always be worn when you are working with chemicals or any type of heating apparatus. 7. Locate Safety Equipment Be sure you know where to find all safety equipment in the biology lab. This includes such items as the fire extinguisher, first aid kit, broken glass receptacles, and chemical waste containers. Also be sure you know where all the emergency exits are located and which exit route to take in case of an emergency. 8. Biology Lab Donts There are several things in a biology lab that you must always avoid- here are a few major laboratory donts. Do Not eat or drink in the labtaste any chemicals or substances you are working withuse your mouth for pipetting substanceshandle broken glass with bare handspour chemicals down the drain without permissionoperate lab equipment without permissionperform your own experiments unless given permissionleave any heated materials unattendedplace flammable substances near heatengage in childish antics such as horseplay or pranks 9. Have a Good Experience Biology lab is an important aspect of any general biology or AP biology course. In order to have a good lab experience, make sure that you follow these biology lab safety rules and any instructions given to you by your lab instructor.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Diabetes Melllitus Type II Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Diabetes Melllitus Type II - Research Paper Example The Indian physician Sushruta in 400 B.C. described the sweet taste of urine from individuals affected with a disease called ‘sugar’. Around 250 B.C., the name â€Å"diabetes† was first used, meaning in Greek â€Å"to siphon†, reflecting the marked polyuria and loss of water in diabetes. The complete term â€Å"diabetes mellitus† was coined in 1674 by Thomas Willis, personal physician to King Charles II. Gradually the latin word for honey, â€Å"mellitus† was added due to its link with sweet urine (Settley, 1996). Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous clinical disorder with two major classifications: primary and secondary. Secondary diabetes is a condition when hyperglycemia (diabetes) is due to the complications of another disease. As per the latest recommendations of American Diabetes Association (2010) diabetes should be classified into four classes viz. I. Type 1 diabetes: Previously known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), since the patients require exogenous insulin for survival. Type I diabetes involves ÃŽ ²-cell destruction leading to absolute deficiency of insulin. According to ADA (2010), Type 1 diabetes could be described under two sub-headings – a) Immune-mediated - where the autoantibodies against ÃŽ ²-cells of pancreas destroy the islets of langerhans, b) Idiopathic diabetes – with no known cause of diabetes mostly seen in people of African or Asian ancestry. II. Type 2 diabetes: It represents 90-95% of all diabetes cases and presents with peripheral resistance to the effects of insulin or a defect in insulin processing/secretion. The disorder is also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), because insulin is not required for treatment in most of cases. It manifests at a later age (>40 years) that acquires it the third name -- late or ‘adult-onset diabetes’ and has a slow and silent onset. NIDDM is more commonly found in obese (particularly trunkal obesity) individuals and is

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Teaching Students using Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Teaching Students using Literature - Essay Example Literature has been regarded as the most underestimated subject however it is not so. It helps us reflect our understanding. Literature helps the mind develop and understand situations as students embed themselves in the given scenario coming up to something which they think is more appropriate for the desired case. Literature helps explore societal issues as well and therefore is an important aspect for learning through cognition. Literature helps students make more cognitive decisions and through such comprehension students are able to withstand difficult challenges in the world. Learning through literature has always been a better case as literature provides with the past, the present and sometimes the Future as well. Through reading students can also improve upon their perception about the general world and biases are mostly eliminated through the use of better literature. Engaging into discussion is also a good tactic that makes students learn very well. More will be emphasized as we move along this study. The study aim to cover 5 important aspects of learning through literature and a comprehensive guide on how to tackle students of different grades is also to be dealt with. First we need to understand the student teacher relationship and its importance for the benefit of the student. A solitary mark of a successful teacher is the capacity to use an array of research-based instructional strategies. Strategies enhancing students' performance Researches have identified eight instructional strategies that enhance student achievement. 1. Reinforcing endeavor and providing appreciation: By reinforcing effort and providing recognition, teachers highlight students' efforts that make a difference in their levels of achievement. 2. Summarizing: through this process the students can analyze information, thus strengthening their understanding of the content. 3. Activating former familiarity: moving back in time or highlighting cues which enables the students to learn or experience and thus help activate students' prior knowledge. 4. Homework and practice: this makes a student grasp more upon the material involved. 5. Others include the classroom practices connected with the instructional category of identifying similarities and differences including comparison tasks. 6. Nonlinguistic representations: this is special as students learn more effectively by viewing pictures and other stuff rather tan reading. Nonlinguistic representations can take a variety of forms including graphic representations, physical models, mental pictures, drawings, and kinesthetic classroom activities. 7. Joint learning: group interaction is a tool which accelerates cooperative learning. There are five defining elements of cooperative learning: positive interdependence, face-to-face promoting interaction, individual and group accountability, interpersonal and small-group skills, and group processing. 8. Setting goals: this directs the student to a certain standpoint and feedback is the most important tool of appreciation and direction Goal setting establishes a direction for learning. Involving students in the goal-setting process can increase students' accountability for their own learning. Teacher Leadership Awareness of the school and teacher practices that impact student achievemen

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Kite Runner Essay Example for Free

The Kite Runner Essay During the late 70s early 80s there was a strong disagreement between races in Afghanistan. In particular the Pashtun and the Hazarah. Two forms of the same religion but with only 1 difference. The Pashtun were higher up in the community than the Hazarah. The Pashtun were considered clean and fit to rule because they were primarily of pure descent unlike the Hazarah (Pashtun encyclopedia Britannica page 2). The Hazarah were looked down upon because they are usually of mixed families and were considered below the Pashtun (joshuaproject. net page 1-3). ?As the higher ups the Pashtun were wealthier and had more friends in the higher up chain of command in the Afghani government. They had servants who were normally Hazarah. The Hazarah were lower in class and used their labor to make a living by becoming servants to the Pashtun. Like Hassan was to Amir and Baba. ?Amir the main character and novel narrator is of the Pashtun religion and because of this he is accustomed to having the things he wants handed to him on a silver platter. The only things Amir feels deprived of is a deep connection both emotionally and figuratively with his father Baba. He blames it on himself because he is so different than Baba in so many ways. He also feels responsible for the death of his mother who died during Amir’s birth (muse. jhu. edu page 1-5) ? Hassan who is Amir’s best friend is of the Hazarah religion and is a lower class than Amir and the Pashtun. Amir overlooks this fact and is a loyal friend to Hassan until Hassan gets raped and Amir didn’t do anything to stop it or help him. After Hassan gets raped something changed in Amir. He began to feel guilty and his guilt began eating away at him. He became a total jerk to Hassan and Hassan had no idea why (Hazara encyclopedia Britannica page 1-3). ?Some of Amir’s guilt is directed towards Hassan who receives Baba’s affection instead of Amir. Amir feels that Hassan (a Hazarah and one of his family’s servants) is beneath him and shouldn’t be getting Baba’s affection as much as he is. ?Baba sees Amir as a coward when he is a boy. Amir lets Hassan fight all his battles for him which is why in my opinion Hassan gets more of the affection from Baba. Baba wishes that Amir would learn to fight his own battles from Hassan and ultimately grow a backbone and become more of a man that Baba wants him to become. Although its hard to see in some parts of the novel, religion is always present. Whether it be the beginning of the novel where Amir and Hassan are flying kites or it be at the middle where Amir and Baba are traveling to America. Once in America Baba and Amir began to bond more and ultimately become as close as they wanted to be for a very long time. Baba falls ill after Amir graduates from college. Baba’s last great act before his death is he (on Amir’s behalf) asks for an Afghani general’s daughter’s hand in marriage. Amir then marries her right before Baba’s death. After Baba’s death Amir focuses on his writing the stories he came up with. Once his first novel gets published he gets a call from Baba’s friend back in Afghanistan and he asks Amir to come back to the land of his childhood and take care of him. Amir agrees and travels back to Afghanistan (the kite runner page 194). Once back he meets Baba’s friend and he learns that Hassan wrote him a letter shortly before his murder at the hands of the Taliban. Amir learns that Hassan was actually his brother and that Hassan had a son that got sent away to an orphanage after his murder and it became Amir’s duty to go and find Hassan’s son. ?As Amir takes on the challenge of tracking down Hassan’s son he travels all over Afghanistan until he finally finds where the boy is. Amir talks to the man who took Hassan’s son and saw that he was using the boy for his own entertainment by attaching bells to his hands and feet and made him dance. (the kite runner page 278) The reason why the man is making Hassan’s son dance it to assert his authority and put the Hazarah boy in his place below the man who now is his guardian before Amir gets ahold of him (Hazarah encyclopedia Britannica page 1).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Wright Brothers Essay -- History Air Flying Fly Flight Essays

The Wright Brothers The world was changed on December 17, 1903 when Orville Wright flew the first airplane for a period of 12 seconds. Orville, born in 1871 and his brother Wilbur, born in 1867 grew up in Dayton Ohio with two other brothers, Reuchlin and Lorin and one sister Katherine. They grew up in a loving family, which helped the brothers with the success in their future. Many people are not aware that much of their knowledge that went into the makings of the airplane came from their mother Susan and the bicycle repair shop they owned. Interestingly, Wilbur and Orville were not the men who first thought of flying. In the 16th century, Leonardo de Vinci had thoughts of a â€Å"flying machine† that was ahead its time, though aeronautical science was still in its infancy. They proceeded to develop new scientific information and practical applications. Wilbur’s confidence in the advancements of aviation is reflected in the following statement said in 1899 â€Å" I am convinced that fligh t is both possible and practical.† Wilbur and Orville Wright made history with the invention of the first effective airplane and changed the world of aviation. Bishop Milton Wright and Susan Katherine Wright raised their five children in Ohio and Iowa. Milton’s ecclesiastical career caused the family to move around frequently. The family started in Dayton, Ohio and moved to Iowa in 1878. They returned to Ohio in 1885. When the boys had a problem they would look to their father for intellectual and scientific advice. Whereas if a toy broke they would go to their mother for mechanical help. Milton and Susan were very supportive of any interests their children pursued. Orville once stated â€Å" We were lucky enough to grow up in an environment where there was always much encouragement to children to pursue intellectual interests; to investigate whatever around curiosity.† Ideas of flying became a fascination at a young age for the boys. A piece of the aeronautical puzzle fell into place the day that Milton, back from one of his church group trips, brought the boys a flying top toy that was made of cork, paper, bamboo, and rubber bands. This little toy broke quickly but Wilbur and Orville always kept the memory of that toy in the back of their minds. With regard to their education, Wilbur did well in school, but was not able to graduate from high school. His mother contracted and died... ...t died in 1948 of a heart attack in his hometown. This same year the 1903 Flyer is admitted into the Smithsonian Institution. The airplanes have come a long way since the makings of the Wright brothers. In 1927 Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic Ocean to Paris in 39.5 hours all by himself. That had never been done before. Nowadays people own their own private jets and planes can carry hundreds of people along with luggage or food. But the Wright brother did more than make it possible for people to fly, they made a connection that many never thought possible. The plane brought separated families together, medicine to the sick in other countries and of course they made travel faster. The Wright brothers turned themselves into revolutionary icons with their determination and passion for the world of aviation. Works Cited Books: The Americans A History, Winthrop D Jordan/Miriam Greenblatt/John S. Bowes To Conquer the Air, James Tobin Articles: Gates, Bill. Top 100 Most Influential People Time Magazine March 29,1999 Wright, Wilbur and Orville. The Wright Brothers Aeroplane September 1908 Internet: The Henry Ford Museum Exhibits, The Wright Brothers July 30th 1995

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Information Governance

Information governance is generally the act of storing, protecting and integrating data acquired from different sources. Efficient maintenance of the stored health care data provides space for health institutions to create a friendly atmosphere with the patients, individualize treatments,improve communication levels and thus health outcomes. Electronic health records (EHR) technology, which records and stores patients' information electronically, helps the healthcare administrators to consolidate, centralize and securely get in touch with patients' data. This technology has become helpful in information governance system because it enhance a comprehensive knowledge about the patient and enables personalized interactions by integrating patients' data from all required sources. Health analysts play a key role in the data management system by providing insightful knowledge from patterns and correlations on healthcare data. From this, one can deduce a health problem that mainly affects a certain age group, hence elevate population health results through tracking present health trends and foresee upcoming ones. The incorporation of mobile health tools and patients' portals in the health data management systems has made it easier for the patients to interact with the healthcare personnel. The personal interaction between the physician and the patient has enhanced the privacy level, which every patient desires.Information about a physician derived from claims data enables a healthcare management system to deduce his or her behavior and decide on the physician's placement area. By understanding the physician's area of specialization in a certain department and assigning him to his specialty it will lead to increase in volume of the referral rates hence high revenue income.Physicians and healthcare management personnel ought to be very keen when collecting patients' data and marketing department need to focus on creating awareness on stabilizing data management systems. Knowledgeable and impactful business decisions based on the provided data will be attained due to the involvement of every party in the healthcare sector.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Young Apprentice Transcript

The Young Apprentice Transcript Question: How do the candidates try to save themselves from elimination? Key:(}) spoken at the same time. (1) seconds someone pauses for(. ) short pause| | Key SIR ALAN: You three (1) Lewis and you Harry and you Mohammed,   you were the mobile team, okay. Who was selling? { All three of you? } Harry:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  { All three of us } and (. ) we had kind of adopted a strategy where basically, we would each, individually try and find customers, sell to them {and } (interrupted) (? ) SA:    {So you didn’t   adopt their strategy} where you had one person doing the ice cream and one} coordinating?Lewis: I wanted to go forward for that but Harry was too focused on getting his own sales so he could have that big number next to his name. SA: Right, how was you doing it? You was actually selling and scooping yourself? L: {Yeah to be fair, Mohammed was very weak when (. ) Can you actually let me fin ish? } Mohammed: {I think, I think, I don’t think that was me, I was persistent, I was confident I was approaching the {customers} †¦. S. A: Could you send the three of them in please? Receptionist: Yes Lord Sugar. SA: Well er, gentlemen I’ve had a chat with Karen and Nick (. There are, er, few things that I’m a bit concerned about. I’ll start with you harry apart from your little stroke of genius of actually going from the static {stall} Harry: {hmm} SA: and actually going on the beach there as the project leader just tell me what you think your strategic role was here. H: I (. ) took a huge role in leading, in leading this team. No one was confident enough to step up to it but I did, people trusted me to lead and people trusted my decision- (interrupted by James) James:- Harry, I’m confused as to why { I’m here}S. A: (agreeing) No, I†¦ J: I was the man with the ideas, everything came from me. No one else suggested any ideas as re gards to the br, the branding at all. I came up with the concept, I came up with the name, I said we get a pirate costume and then throughout the sales I think that I was the one who pulled in most of the attraction. {I’ve accepted (? ) } (interrupted by SA) S. A: {Woah, woah, woah woah, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on} you know, if you say things enough times you end up convincing yourself okay?Tell me about all of your ideas including dropping the price, er, to a {pound}.. J: (Trying to interrupt but fails){Well} SA: †¦ then think again about whether all of your ideas were that great. Don’t just pluck a few little things. J: No one else had any ideas. I came up with the idea to {call} (interrupted by SA) SA: {Harry, do you? } H: You cannot sit there and say that the whole meeting, you were discussing all the {ideas, and we were just sitting there, and were sitting there silently were we? I have a thing that} †¦M:   Ã‚  (tries to interrupt harry but fai ls and they speak together) {no, no, no, all he mentioned, actually, can I just say? All he mentioned, all, all} H:†¦ I don’t like about you James is you can’t accept when you’re wrong and I think you have to, have to take on, take on board that actually erm   through discussion we came to, came about these ideas to do this theme. M: I think it was James and me,{ I developed it, I developed it. Yes, yes, yeah} J: {no, no, no, I’m not happy with that, not happy with that} H: {How, how?Have you not heard about the deliveries? Have you not heard about the deliveries? Have you listened? } J: You came up with the idea to turn one of the, one the stalls into a treasure {chest} M: {yeah} J: after I came up with the idea, after I {named it. No, no, you didn’t Mohammed. You’re lying in boardroom} M: {No, no, no, I was the one who came up with the pirates, I was the one who came up with the costumes. I came up with the costumes and {he wants to take all the credit (2) no, no I chose it} J: {no you didn’t.I chose the pirate costumes and asked will anyone wear this and then no one, no one came up and I said} I will wear the pirate {costume}- (Harry talks at the same time at this point) M: {I was the one, I was the one, I was the one} (tries to interrupt James) H: {Lord Sugar} at the moment this is turning into a never ending list of Mohammed’s, of Mohammed’s achievements and it’s just not {founded, it’s completely unfounded} M:{no, no, no, no, I think, I think as a project manager}-( interrupted by SA) SA: Mohammed, Mohammed, let me give- can I give you my call on it?M: Yeah. SA: Ok, now take this in the nicest possible way. I don’t think that you could be responsible for everything good that went on in this task. It’s, it’s, it’s physically impossible. Okay? M: Yeah. SA: Forget about the pirate theme and this theme and what not, what else did you do? M: erm, I think, personally, I don’t well. I was making customers come to the stall, I was serving them, I was being polite, I was being confident that’s the reason why I think that on the, {on the paper, yeah I think} SA: {You sold ? 2 worth of stuff} M: {yeah, on pap-} SA: {? 62} worth of stuff. 10% , approximately of the sales and all I’m hearing from you is, you’ve taken, you’re taking the claim for everything good and what you would have done if you were the pr- pr – project manager and you didn’t. You had the chance to be a project manager and you didn’t put yourself forward. Right? M : nods SA: Listen, who should get fired? J: I think, Mohammed. SA: Why? J: Because, his contribution was nothing throughout the whole {task. } M: {no†¦ }

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Dissertation Writing Guide How To Write Best Thesis Paper - Paperell.com

Dissertation Writing Guide How To Write Best Thesis Paper Dissertation Writing Guide: How To Write Best Thesis Paper What makes everyone frightened of this task? Is it a huge amount of work and time that it requires from students or is it the pressure caused by a single fact that this is one of the most significant paper in your life? The answer is both! Without a doubt, it is a long process and you should prepare yourself for it, so it is better when you have a plan for the few weeks, months, or later. This plan should help you to complete each section on time so the whole thing will be finished when it has to be submitted. This guide contains common tips for writing such papers. However, make sure that you have seen and understood the features of required formatting, style of citations, and other demands of your teacher because the requirements can vary in different universities. Or just use thesis help if necessary. It is also useful to read examples of other similar works. You have to see an example of the best dissertation online to get an idea of how it has to be written and how can you organ ize your paper. Preparing such a big paper can be a different job so you can look for a thesis writing service. This way, you will not have risks of failure.Steps of other dissertations should help you to develop a good structure, introduction and thesis statement, and to present collected data and findings. You should look for dissertation writing services if you need to order your paper on the Internet.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Understanding What Fluid Dynamics is

Understanding What Fluid Dynamics is Fluid dynamics is the study of the movement of fluids, including their interactions as two fluids come into contact with each other. In this context, the term fluid refers to either liquid or gases. It is a macroscopic, statistical approach to analyzing these interactions at a large scale, viewing the fluids as a continuum of matter and generally ignoring the fact that the liquid or gas is composed of individual atoms. Fluid dynamics is one of the two main branches of fluid mechanics, with the other branch being  fluid statics,  the study of fluids at rest. (Perhaps not surprisingly, fluid statics may be thought of as a bit less exciting most of the time than fluid dynamics.) Key Concepts of Fluid Dynamics Every discipline involves concepts that are crucial to understanding how it operates. Here are some of the main ones that youll come across when trying to understand fluid dynamics. Basic Fluid Principles The fluid concepts that apply in fluid statics also come into play when studying fluid that is in motion. Pretty much the earliest concept in fluid mechanics is that of buoyancy, discovered in ancient Greece by Archimedes. As fluids flow, the density and pressure of the fluids are also crucial to understanding how they will interact. The viscosity  determines how resistant the liquid is to change, so is also essential in studying the movement of the liquid. Here are some of the variables that come up in these analyses: Bulk viscosity:  ÃŽ ¼Density:  Ã Kinematic viscosity:  ÃŽ ½ ÃŽ ¼ / Ï  Flow Since fluid dynamics involves the study of the motion of fluid, one of the first concepts that must be understood is how physicists quantify that movement. The term that physicists use to describe the physical properties of the movement of liquid is flow. Flow describes a wide range of fluid movement, such blowing through the air, flowing through a pipe, or running along a surface. The flow of a fluid is classified in a variety of different ways, based upon the various properties of the flow. Steady vs. Unsteady Flow If the movement of fluid does not change over time, it is considered a steady flow. This is determined by a situation where all properties of the flow remain constant with respect to time or alternately can be talked about by saying that the time-derivatives of the flow field vanish. (Check out calculus for more about understanding derivatives.) A steady-state flow  is even less time-dependent because all of the fluid properties (not just the flow properties) remain constant at every point within the fluid. So if you had a steady flow, but the properties of the fluid itself changed at some point (possibly because of a barrier causing time-dependent ripples in some parts of the fluid), then you would have a steady flow that is not a steady-state flow. All steady-state flows are examples of steady flows, though.  A current flowing at a constant rate through a straight pipe would be an example of a steady-state flow (and also a steady flow).   If the flow itself has properties that change over time, then it is called an unsteady flow or a transient flow. Rain flowing into a gutter during a storm is an example of unsteady flow. As a general rule, steady flows make for easier problems to deal with than unsteady flows, which is what one would expect given that the time-dependent changes to the flow dont have to be taken into account, and things that change over time are typically going to make things more complicated. Laminar Flow vs. Turbulent Flow A smooth flow of liquid is said to have laminar flow. Flow that contains seemingly chaotic, non-linear motion is said to have turbulent flow. By definition, a turbulent flow is a type of unsteady flow.   Both types of flows may contain eddies, vortices, and various types of recirculation, though the more of such behaviors that exist the more likely the flow is to be classified as turbulent.   The distinction between whether a flow is laminar or turbulent is usually related to the Reynolds number (Re). The Reynolds number was first calculated in 1951 by physicist George Gabriel Stokes, but it is named after the 19th-century scientist Osborne Reynolds. The Reynolds number is dependent not only on the specifics of the fluid itself but also on the conditions of its flow, derived as the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces in the following way:   Re Inertial force / Viscous forces Re (Ï  V dV/dx) / (ÃŽ ¼ d2V/dx2) The term dV/dx is the gradient of the velocity (or first derivative of the velocity), which is proportional to the velocity (V) divided by L, representing a scale of length, resulting in dV/dx V/L. The second derivative is such that d2V/dx2 V/L2. Substituting these in for the first and second derivatives results in: Re (Ï  V V/L) / (ÃŽ ¼ V/L2) Re   (Ï  V L) / ÃŽ ¼ You can also divide through by the length scale L, resulting in a Reynolds number per foot, designated as Re f V /  ÃŽ ½. A low Reynolds number indicates smooth, laminar flow. A high Reynolds number indicates a flow that is going to demonstrate eddies and vortices and will generally be more turbulent. Pipe Flow vs. Open-Channel Flow Pipe flow represents a flow that is in contact with rigid boundaries on all sides, such as water moving through a pipe (hence the name pipe flow) or air moving through an air duct. Open-channel flow describes flow in other situations where there is at least one free surface that is not in contact with a rigid boundary. (In technical terms, the free surface has 0 parallel sheer stress.) Cases of open-channel flow include water moving through a river, floods, water flowing during rain, tidal currents, and irrigation canals. In these cases, the surface of the flowing water, where the water is in contact with the air, represents the free surface of the flow. Flows in a pipe are driven by either pressure or gravity, but flows in open-channel situations are driven solely by gravity. City water systems often use water towers to take advantage of this, so that the elevation difference of the water in the tower (the  hydrodynamic head)  creates a pressure differential, which is then adjusted with mechanical pumps to get water to the locations in the system where they are needed.   Compressible vs. Incompressible Gases are generally treated as compressible fluids because the volume that contains them can be reduced. An air duct can be reduced by half the size and still carry the same amount of gas at the same rate. Even as the gas flows through the air duct, some regions will have higher densities than other regions. As a general rule, being incompressible means that the density of any region of the fluid does not change as a function of time as it moves through the flow. Liquids can also be compressed, of course, but theres more of a limitation on the amount of compression that can be made. For this reason, liquids are typically modeled as if they were incompressible. Bernoullis Principle Bernoullis principle is another key element of fluid dynamics, published in Daniel Bernoullis 1738 book  Hydrodynamica. Simply put, it relates the increase of speed in a liquid to a decrease in pressure or potential energy.  For incompressible fluids, this can be described using what is known as Bernoullis equation: (v2/2) gz p/Ï  constant Where g is the acceleration due to gravity, Ï  is the pressure throughout the liquid,  v is the fluid flow speed at a given point, z is the elevation at that point, and p is the pressure at that point. Because this is constant within a fluid, this means that these equations can relate any two points, 1 and 2, with the following equation: (v12/2) gz1 p1/Ï  (v22/2) gz2 p2/Ï  The relationship between pressure and potential energy of a liquid based on elevation is also related through Pascals Law. Applications of Fluid Dynamics Two-thirds of the Earths surface is water and the planet is surrounded by layers of atmosphere, so we are literally surrounded at all times by fluids ... almost always in motion. Thinking about it for a bit, this makes it pretty obvious that there would be a lot of interactions of moving fluids for us to study and understand scientifically. Thats where fluid dynamics comes in, of course, so theres no shortage of fields that apply concepts from fluid dynamics. This list is not at all exhaustive, but provides a good overview of ways in which fluid dynamics show up in the study of physics across a range of specializations: Oceanography, Meteorology,   Climate Science - Since the atmosphere is modeled as fluids, the study of atmospheric science  and ocean currents, crucial for understanding and predicting weather patterns and climate trends, relies heavily on fluid dynamics.Aeronautics - The physics of fluid dynamics involves studying the flow of air to create drag and lift, which in turn generate the forces that allow heavier-than-air flight.Geology Geophysics - Plate tectonics involves studying the motion of the heated matter within the liquid core of the Earth.Hematology Hemodynamics - The biological study of blood includes the study of its circulation through blood vessels, and the blood circulation can be modeled using the methods of fluid dynamics.Plasma Physics - Though neither a liquid nor a gas, plasma often behaves in ways that are similar to fluids, so can also be modeled using fluid dynamics.Astrophysics Cosmology  - The process of stellar evolution involves the change of stars over time, which can be understood by studying how the plasma that composes the stars flows and interacts within the star over time. Traffic Analysis - Perhaps one of the most surprising applications of fluid dynamics is in understanding the movement of traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. In areas where the traffic is sufficiently dense, the whole body of traffic can be treated as a single entity that behaves in ways that are roughly similar enough to the flow of a fluid. Alternative Names of Fluid Dynamics Fluid dynamics is also sometimes referred at as hydrodynamics, although this is more of a historical term. Throughout the twentieth century, the phrase fluid dynamics became much more commonly used. Technically, it would be more appropriate to say that hydrodynamics is when fluid dynamics is applied to liquids in motion and aerodynamics is when fluid dynamics is applied to gases in motion. However, in practice, specialized topics such as hydrodynamic stability and magnetohydrodynamics use the hydro- prefix even when they are applying those concepts to the motion of gases.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Would the Diemaco C8 be a true consideration as a firearm within the Essay

Would the Diemaco C8 be a true consideration as a firearm within the application of modern policing in the UK - Essay Example In this paper we will study the Diemaco C8 carbine rifle in detail, understanding its accuracy, range, efficiency and usability as a powerful firearm, while also comparing it with the firearms and weaponry of terrorist groups and organizations. The different models of C8 are also discusses, enabling us to understand the features of the rifle. Terrorist weaponry capabilities are discussed in detail and compared to the Diemaco C8 carbine rifle, which will help us conclude if the rifle is a good choice for the UK police. The C8 was developed by Diemaco and consists of a buttstock with a telescope. This rifle is short barreled and comparatively more convenient than long barreled rifles. There are variations to the C7 and C8 models, developed by Diemaco. Some rifles are produced with flat tops for improved handling ease. The rail is seen to be pica tinny styled instead of the integral handle. It is usually manufactured with detachable handle which includes the diopter sights or sometimes the Elcan optical sights. The C8 carbine is the carbine member of the C7 family, and in outwards appearance very similar to the Colt 653. (en.academic.ru). However, it holds close resemblance to the Colt 653 in terms of its mechanics and aesthetics. The C8 was first manufactured for Canadian forces as the model Colt 725. The features of the C8 are more refined and unique when compared to other Colt models. It has an A1 profile barrel that is 14.5 inches or 368 mm in length. This feature is similar to the Colt model 653 M16A1 carbine. The difference is that it has a 1/7 rifling twist which is better suited for the C77 cartridge. The design improvements are seen to have been derived from the C7 model rifles. There are versions of the C8 which are improved and designed for better range and handling. The improved version, the Diemaco C8FT has most of